2007 Awards


Three members of RGHF are inducted at the Salt Lake City Convention

64 Rotarians attended RGHF’s fellowship breakfast.

Presentation of the “nickel” by Dick McKay

McKay presents to PDG Dr. Eddie Blender, creator of “Why I am a Rotarian” www.whyiam.org and “Our Foundation

Founding Member and Secretary/Treasurer Emeritus Dick McKay presented the awards as described by founder Jack Selway

McKay presents to PDG Geri Appel, USA.

Blender is also a founding member of RGHF

McKay presents the “1905 Society” award to RGHF senior historian Basil Lewis, UK.

Selway describes Appel’s many contributions,

McKay, PDG Blender, Selway, PDG Appel, and Lewis

Selway describes Lewis’ long record of contributions. He was also elected as a Life Member of RGHF in 2009

In addition to her continuing role as treasurer and being a founding member.

RGHF inducts RI Archives assistant Robin K. Dillow into the “1905 Society.” RGHF founding member and secretary/treasurer emeritus Dick McKay, Chicago, USA, made the presentation on behalf of Rotary Global History. Rotary International General Secretary Edwin H Futa, Hawaii, USA was on hand to present a Paul Harris Fellowship also on behalf of RGHF.

GS Futa, Dillow, and McKay

McKay presents “1905 Society” award of RGHF.

GS Futa and McKay present Paul Harris Fellowship

Dillow has been highly valuable in providing material for the history project of RGHF.

“. . . I am wearing the pendant as I write this. To say that I am impressed by the commitment of the members of the Rotary Global History is an understatement. I only wish that all organizations had members and volunteers working so tirelessly to preserve organizational history.

In addition to answering reference and research questions for Rotarians, staff, and members of the general public, I also update the Archives page of RI’s portal (internal website for RI staff). I have undertaken/hope to undertake several projects. As you know, I am compiling a list of dates for This Day in Rotary – hopefully one every day of the year.

My background is varied. I am a longtime volunteer and have spent most of my work-life in the nonprofit sector. I have two graduate degrees in addition to my Master of Library and Information Science degree.” Robin K. Dillow, RI

Comments by Dick McKay
“After my meeting with General Secretary Ed Futa last Friday we left his office and met Vince Aversano, Laura Mills, and Robin Dillow outside in the hallway..

They had all collaborated on getting Robin to come to the Rotary Headquarters for this surprise induction into the 1905 Society and PHF. Laura Mills was the photographer and Vince looked on as he had coordinated the effort along with Pat Lawlor, Ed’s Assistant.

I told her how grateful all of us at RGHF have been about her cooperation with all of our Historians and our Board had unanimously voted to induct her into the 1905 Nickel Society.

I discussed a little of the background about the 1905 Society and how prestigious this award is. I also mentioned that Ed had been a recipient of this award several years ago, which he confirmed, as are many of the recent PRIP’s. I then presented the coin to her.

Then I picked up the PHF folder, which I had stashed behind the pillar and told her our 2006-2007 Chairman Calum Thomson had made this PHF award possible. A photo was taken and I reached into my pocket and got the medallion and put it on her. She nearly cried when she received it.

Then Ed pinned her.

This was well deserved recognitions for her.”