Room 711

After 109 years, from the 7th floor of the Unity Building, to the 16th floor of One Rotary Center,
Room 711 gets a makeover and a move to the first floor.


As you will read in Paul Harris’ 1935 book “The Founder of Rotary” he had an idea, one he had discussed with at least two friends. 

However, on that Thursday evening, one of those friends and an early client, Silvester Schiele, had joined Paul for dinner.

You’ll read the story of what happened that night and how this casual meeting became an organization which changed the world, and has the potential still to bring peace to this planet.
Though the man whose office this is did not remain in the organization, nor did another guest that night, Silvester became the first president of the Chicago club and a steadfast Rotarian.
 Paul and Silvester were fast friends and became neighbors, even in death.

 The office, Room 711, is a symbol, protected and maintained as the birthplace of Rotary.