Rotary Abbreviations and Acronyms

A Glossary for Understanding Rotary

Following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms used by Rotary International. Some may no longer be in effect.


3H Health, Hunger and Humanity
AAM Additional Active Member
ADG Assistant District Governor
AM Active Member
ANZO Rotary Region consisting of Australia, New Zealand and other places not included in any other region
ASIA Rotary Region consisting of Asia
AusAid (Formerly AIDAB) Australian International Development Assistance Bureau
ARHRF Australian Rotary Health Research Fund
AVAC Australian Vocational Advisory Committee
CATS Challenging All To Succeed
CEEMA Rotary Region consisting of Continental European, Eastern Mediterranean and African Zone
CICO Club Internet Communication Officer
COL Council on Legislation
D District
DG District Governor
DGN District Governor Nominee
DGE District Governor Elect
DGND District Governor Designate
DICO District Internet Communication Officer
DIK Donations in Kind
DLP District Leadership Plan
DMDC District Membership Development Chairs
DPFC District Permanent Fund Chairperson
DRFC District Rotary Foundation Committee
DRR District Rotaract Representative
EEMA CEEMA + Great Britain & Ireland
FAIM Fourth Avenue (of service) In Motion (Now RAWCS)
GBI Rotary Region consisting of Great Britain and Ireland
GETS Governor Elect Training Seminar
GSE Group Study Exchange
GYE Global Youth Exchange
IAS International Ambassadorial Scholarship
IC International Conventions (IC13 = Lisbon, etc.)
ICC InterCountry Committees
ICO Internet Communications Officers
ICUFR International Computer Users Fellowship of Rotarians
IFCR International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians
IFFR International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians
IFR International Fellowship of Rotarians
IFSR International Fellowship of Skiing Rotarians
IFYR International Fellowship of Yachting Rotarians
IPAC International Projects Advisory Committee

IPF Indicative Planning Figure
IPP Immediate Past President
LCS Low Cost Shelters
MD Matched District
MOP Manual Of Procedure
MSE Matched Student Exchange
MUNA Model United Nations Assembly
NCC National Co-ordinating Committee
NYSF (Formerly NSSS) National Youth Science Forum
OD Official Directory of Rotary International
PACE Pacific-Australia Cultural Exchange
P President
PDG Past District Governor
PE President Elect
PETS Presidents-Elect Training Seminar
PHF Paul Harris Fellow
PHSM Paul Harris Sustaining Member
PN President Nominee
POLIOPLUS The program of The Rotary Foundation to immunize the children of the world against poliomyelitis
PP Past President
PPE Preserve Planet Earth
PR Public Relations
PRID Past Rotary International Director


PRIP Past Rotary International President
PRIT Past Rotary International Treasurer
PROBUS Professional and Business Club
PSM Past Service Member
RAG Rotarian Action Group
RAOAF Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund
RAWCS Rotary Australia World Community Service
RBL Rotary Basic Library
RC Rotary Club
RCC Rotary Community Corps
RCP Rotary Code of Policies
RD Rotary District
RDU Rotary Down Under
RFE Rotary Friendship Exchange
RGHF Rotary Global History***
RGHF Abbreviations:
RGHF Rotary Global History Fellowship
REC RGHF Executive Committee
RB RGHF Board Members
RGC RGHF Global Chairs (RGHF regional management)
RZB RGHF Zone Board Members (RGHF zone administration)
RDC RGHF District Coordinators (report to RGHF zone board members for 1 or more districts)
RHHIF Rotary Heritage and History International Fellowship***
RI Rotary International
RIBI Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland
RID Rotary International Director
RIP Rotary International President
RIPE Rotary International President Elect
RIPN Rotary International President Nominee
RIPPR Rotary Int’l President’s Personal Representative
RIPS Rotary International Population Summit
RITE Rotary Inter-country Teacher Exchange

RITS Rotary International Travel Service
ROAR Rotary Organization of Amateur Radio
ROSE Rotary Overseas Summer Exchange
ROTA Rotary Overseas Travel Fund
ROTA (also) Reach out to Africa
ROTEX Organization of Ex-Rotary Exchange Students
ROTI Rotarians On The Internet
ROVE Rotary Overseas Vocational Exchange
RRFC Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
RRVF Rotary Recreational & Vocational Fellowship
Rtn Rotarian
RV Rotary Volunteers
RVC Rotary Village Corps
RYE Rotary Youth Exchange
RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Award
RYPEN Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment
RYSAP Rotary Youth Self Achievement Program
SACAMA Rotary Region consisting of South America (except Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana), Central America, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking island nations of the Caribbean (except Puerto Rico)
SAM Senior Active Member
SEP Study Exchange Program
SETS Secretary-Elect Training Seminar
SWSL Save Water Save Lives
TR The Rotarian
TRF The Rotary Foundation
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Org.
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
USCB Rotary Region consisting of United States of America, Canada, Bermuda and Puerto Rico
WCS World Community Service
WCSRN World Community Service Resource Network
YEO Youth Exchange Officer
YEP Youth Exchange Program
YIR Yours in Rotary


Acting Governor (2001 MOP)

One who is appointed by the president to fill a vacancy in the office of governor until such time as a new governor has been elected by the convention or the RI Board. An acting governor also may be appointed to fill a temporary vacancy during a time when the governor is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the office.

Active Member (2001 MOP)

A member of a club who has been elected to membership in the club under a classification of business or profession and who has all the obligations, responsibilities, and privileges of membership as provided in the RI constitution and bylaws.

Additional Active Member (Old)

There are three types of additional active membership:

(1) a member of a club who is elected to membership under the same business or professional classification as that of the proposer;

(2) a former active member of a club who has terminated membership because of ceasing to be actively engaged within the territorial limits of that club in the business or profession under which such member was classified. The member could then be elected to membership in another club, provided the member is qualified and subject to the approval of the active member holding the classification; and,

(3) a former member of a Rotaract club who lives or works within the territorial limits of the club who has been a member of a Rotaract club for at least four years and whose membership in the former Rotaract club was terminated due to reaching the age limit for membership or relocating outside the territorial limits of the former Rotaract club. An additional active member has the same obligations, responsibilities and privileges of an active member. With the 2001 Council on Legislation, the classification system was simplified to where a maximum of ten percent of the members of a club can be of a single classification, and Additional Active Members, Past Service Members and Senior Active Members were discontinued.

Admission Fee (2001 MOP)

Fee paid to a club by an applicant for membership in the club. The fee varies according to the amount specified by each club in its bylaws.

Alternate, delegate (2001 MOP)

Any club may, at the time of selecting its delegates to the convention, choose for each delegate one alternate, such alternate being entitled to vote at the convention in case of the absence of the delegate for whom the alternate was chosen.

Assembly, Club (2001 MOP)

Meeting of all club officers, directors, and committee chairs, held for the purpose of conferring on the program and activities of the club.

Assembly, District (2001 MOP)

A training meeting conducted annually, preferably in April or May, of club presidents-elect and members of clubs assigned by the club president-elect to serve in key leadership roles in the upcoming year. It provides a program of instruction to develop club leaders who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to improve club effectiveness as defined by the RI Board as well as an opportunity to share local and district plans and objectives.

 Assembly, International (2001 MOP)

Annual meeting attended by general officers, governors-elect, RI committee chairs, and others designated by the RI Board. Its purpose is to provide Rotary education, instruction in administrative duties, motivation, and inspiration to governors-elect and to afford them and others in attendance an opportunity to discuss and plan how to implement Rotary’s programs and activities during the ensuing year.

 Assistant Governor (2001 MOP)

A Rotarian appointed by the governor, in accordance with RI Board policy, to assist the governor with the administrative work associated with club operations for designated clubs within an assigned geographic area.

Associate Foundation (2001 MOP)

A foundation which has been established based on criteria and guidelines from the Foundation trustees and approved for operation as an associate foundation by the trustees. The primary purpose of associate foundations is to provide tax benefits to Rotarians in countries where such foundations have been established.

 Attendance Report (2001 MOP)

Report of the attendance at its meetings which each club is required by the RI bylaws to make each month to its governor, if the club is within a district, or otherwise to the general secretary.


 Board of Directors, Club (2001 MOP)

Governing body of a Rotary club, to be constituted as the bylaws of the club may provide.


An individual who has notified The Rotary Foundation that he/she has made provisions in his/her final estate plans, or made an outright gift of US$1,000 or more, to The Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund.


The practice in early Rotary clubs of sharing business leads. Clubs like Chicago and San Francisco did not start as “service” clubs. The concept of assisting the community at large as the major charge of such organizations came later. The early clubs were instead considered to be “back-scratching” or “boosting” clubs in which “business exchange” between members was the primary purpose. The early bylaws of the San Francisco Rotary Club stated plainly,”…all firms to be represented in the Rotary Club must have for their representative one who has the power to place business as well as to secure it.”


Certificate of Nomination of Governor

Certificate signed by the governor certifying the nomination of the Rotarian duly nominated by the clubs in the district for the office of governor in a specified future year.

Charter Member (2001 MOP)

A founding member of a Rotary club. This member is elected to membership prior to the admission of the club to membership in RI.

Classification (2001 MOP)

Word or phrase which describes a separate and distinct business or professional service rendered to the community. As a term, it is the word or phrase which most accurately describes the principal and recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company, or institution with which an active member is connected or that which covers the active member’s principal and recognized business or professional activity.

Classification Roster (2001 MOP)

Complete list of business and professional activities of the community, showing which have been filled, and which remain unfilled, in the club.

Club Committee Manual

A component of the Club Officer’s Kit, this manual includes an overview of responsibilities and general guidelines for club committee chairpersons, along with a tear-out sheet of information for specific committees.

Club Forum (2001 MOP)

Formal meeting of the entire club membership to inform members about service activities.

Club Locality (2001 MOP)

An area which contains the minimum number of classifications required for the formation of a new club. A club may be organized in the same locality as one or more existing clubs.

Club Service (2001 MOP)

Rotary’s first Avenue of Service involves actions a Rotarian must take within the club to help it function successfully.

Code of Policies, Rotary (2001 MOP)

A comprehensive document containing all of the general and permanent policies of Rotary International.

Committee, RI, Ad Hoc (2001 MOP)

A non-mandatory committee established by the RI Board that continues in existence until its tasks are completed.

Committee, RI, Special (2001 MOP)

A non-mandatory committee that continues in existence until the end of each Rotary year in which it is appointed.

Committee, RI, Standing (2001 MOP)

A committee mandated in section 16.010. of the RI bylaws.

Community Service (2001 MOP)

Rotary’s third Avenue of Service comprises varied efforts that Rotarians make, sometimes in conjunction with others (e.g., a Rotaract or Interact club or a Rotary Community Corps), to improve the quality of life for those who live within their club’s locality or municipality.

Convention (2001 MOP)

Annual international meeting of Rotary International. Its primary purpose is to inspire and inform Rotarians at an international level. Club delegates from around the world elect RI officers for the coming Rotary year, including the president and RI Board.

Council on Legislation (2001 MOP)

Rotary International’s legislative body as provided for in article X of the RI constitution and article VIII of the RI bylaws. It is attended by a representative of the clubs of each district and meets every third year to deliberate and act upon proposed enactments and resolutions submitted by clubs, district conferences, the general council or conference of RIBI, the council on legislation, and the RI Board. Its actions in adopting legislation are subject to review by all clubs.



Delegate (2001 MOP)

Representative of a Rotary club at the international convention. Each club is entitled to send one delegate for each 50 of its members, or major fraction thereof, honorary members excepted.

Delegate-at-Large (2001 MOP)

Each officer and each past president of Rotary International still holding membership, other than honorary membership, in a club, is declared by the RI constitution and bylaws to be a delegate-at-large at the convention. Such delegate is entitled to cast one vote on each question.

District (2001 MOP)

Name given to a limited geographic area within which clubs are grouped for RI administrative purposes.

District Conference (2001 MOP)

Meeting held annually in each district to further the program of Rotary through fellowship, inspirational addresses, and the discussion of matters relating to club and district affairs. It is open to all Rotarians in the district and their families.

District Conference Report (2001 MOP)

Report which the governor and the secretary of the district conference are required to make to RI covering any action taken by the conference, the number of clubs represented, and other matters.

District Leadership Plan (2001 MOP)

The RI Board-recommended organizational structure for all districts. Components include the following: use of the title “assistant governor” as defined by the RI Board; defined responsibilities and duties, as well as defined limits to terms of service and number of terms, for assistant governors and district committee members.

Dues and Fees (2001 MOP)

Every active member of a club pays an admission fee and annual dues to the club in amounts determined by the club.


Effective Club (2001 MOP)

A club that can 1) sustain and/or grow its membership base; 2) implement successful service projects that address the needs of its community and communities in other countries; 3) support The Rotary Foundation through both program participation and financial contributions; and 4) develop leaders capable of serving Rotary beyond the club level.

Electors (2001 MOP)

The duly accredited delegates, proxy holders, and delegates-at-large which constitute the voting body of the convention.

Enactment (2001 MOP)

An item of legislation adopted by the council which amends the RI constitution or bylaws or the standard Rotary club constitution. See also Resolution.

“Every Rotarian An Example To Youth” (2001 MOP)

Slogan which may be used in Rotary literature and elsewhere, especially during New Generations Month (September).

Extension, External (2001 MOP)

Work of extending Rotary through the organization of clubs in localities where there are no Rotary clubs. This work is carried on in districts by the governors with the cooperation of the Secretariat. In non-districted areas, it is carried on under the authority of the RI Board.

Extension, Internal (2001 MOP)

Increasing the number of members in the club so as to include in the club membership representatives of all classifications for which suitable representatives are available within the locality of the club.


 “Fellowship Through Service” (2001 MOP)

Rotaract motto which may be used in Rotary literature and elsewhere.

Fiscal Agent (2001 MOP)

Rotarian volunteers who receive and deposit payments made by clubs in their countries, and disburse the funds as authorized by the controller. Fiscal agents are listed in the Official Directory.

Founder of Rotary (2001 MOP)

Term used in reference to Paul P. Harris, who organized the first Rotary club in Chicago in 1905. Paul Harris was born 19 April 1868 and died 27 January 1947.

Four Avenues of Service (2001 MOP)

Term used in referring to Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, and International Service. (See separate entries.)

Fund Pool (2001 MOP)

Term used in The Rotary Foundation for District Designated Funds allocated by districts through the SHARE system to create a pool of monies available on a competitive basis to fund Foundation programs, with eligibility not restricted by a club’s or district’s financial contributions to the Foundation. Examples include Humanitarian Transportation Grants and Rotary World Peace Scholarships.

Fund Raising Resource Guide

A booklet designed to help club and district leaders organize special fund-raising events. Includes detailed planning steps as well as a wide variety of fund-raising ideas from all over the Rotary world.


General Council, RIBI (2001 MOP)

Governing body of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (see entry) consisting of the officers of RIBI (the president, immediate past president, vice-president, honorary treasurer, and secretary) and the governors of the districts in Great Britain and Ireland. The director from Great Britain and Ireland is a member of the general council ex officio.

General Secretary (2001 MOP)

The chief administrative officer of Rotary International under the direction and control of the RI Board. The general secretary is responsible to the RI Board and the president for the implementation of its policies and for management and administration, including the financial operation of RI. This individual is also the General Secretary of The Rotary Foundation.

“Getting Started in Rotary”

Guide to sponsor’s responsibilities and brief information for new members, as well as a guide for family members of new Rotarians.

“Good Standing” (2001 MOP)

As used in the constitutional documents of RI, this phrase applies to a member of a Rotary club or to the membership of a Rotary club in RI, and means that the Rotarian or club continues to fulfill all requirements for membership in the club or in RI.

Governors-Elect Training Seminar [GETS] (2001 MOP)

A zone-level training seminar for governors-elect held in conjunction with Rotary institutes.

Governor’s Monthly Letter (2001 MOP)

Personal, official communication issued every month by the governor to the president and secretary of each club in the district containing items of special interest and importance, including the Monthly Membership Attendance Report.

Group Study Exchange [GSE] Program

The Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange is a cultural exchange program designed to:

1) provide to outstanding business and professional persons opportunities for studying another country, its people and institutions through participation in an organized program of study and discussion in the country concerned;

2) further international understanding by allowing persons of goodwill to meet, talk, and live with each other in a spirit of fellowship so that they may get to know each other’s problems and aspirations, and to permit such personal contacts to develop into lasting friendships;

3) involve Rotarians in a specific, practical and meaningful International Service Project by organizing educational programs for Group Study teams and providing hospitality for them.



“He Profits Most Who Serves Best”

The first motto of Rotary International, it was approved at the second Rotary Convention, held in Portland, Oregon, in August 1911. The phrase was first spoken by Chicago Rotarian, Arthur Frederick Sheldon, who made a speech at the 1910 convention that included the remark, “He profits most who serves his fellows best.” Paul Harris wanted Sheldon to make a similar presentation in Portland, but Sheldon was unable to attend the convention, so he wrote out “My Platform” for someone else to read to the delegates. In it, he had changed the motto to “He profits most who serves best,” omitting the phrase “his fellows.” It has come to be used as “proof” of Rotary’s concern about community service, but, according to Paul Harris, the service referred to by Sheldon is “customer service“. At the 1950 Convention in Detroit, “He Profits Most Who Serves Best” and “Service Above Self,” were formally approved to be the official mottoes of Rotary. The 1989 Council on Legislation established “Service Above Self” as the principal motto of Rotary since it best explains the philosophy of “unselfish volunteer service.”

 Honorary Member (2001 MOP)

A person who, by serving with distinction in the furtherance of Rotary ideals, has been elected to honorary membership of a club. An honorary member is exempt from payment of fees and dues, has no vote, and may not hold office. However, an honorary member may attend all meetings and enjoy the privileges of the club. The term of honorary membership is determined by the club board. (Old MOP) Honorary membership terminates each year on June 30, but may, by club Board of Directors resolution, be continued from year to year. The 2001 Council on Legislation permitted each club to elect Honorary Members for life, unless removed by ballot of the club.

“How to Propose a New Member”

Official brochure that includes the basic procedure for election of a new member. Also explains provisions for proposing additional active members.



 Institute (2001 MOP)

Instructional, motivational, and fellowship meeting for past, current, and incoming governors and other RI officers from certain districts which comprise a zone or zones. A Rotary institute is intended to provide participants with up-to-date information about Rotary’s programs and is a source of ideas for improving and strengthening the Rotary movement. An international institute is usually held at the time and location of the international assembly and international convention. Timely topics related to the program of Rotary and administration of RI are informally discussed.

Interact (2001 MOP)

Rotary club-sponsored clubs for young people dedicated to service and international understanding. Membership is open to students at the secondary school (ages 14-18) level.

Intercountry Committee (2001 MOP)

Committee of Rotarians, Rotary clubs, or districts, formulated by or with the approval of governors concerned, to encourage contacts between clubs and Rotarians in two or more countries, thus developing understanding between and promoting fellowship among the peoples of different nations.

International Service (2001 MOP)

Rotary’s fourth Avenue of Service comprises all the things that a Rotarian can do to advance international understanding, goodwill, and peace by getting acquainted with people of other countries, their cultures, customs, accomplishments, aspirations, problems – through personal contacts, travel, and attendance at conventions, through reading and correspondence, and through cooperation in all club activities and projects – including those of The Rotary Foundation – that will help people in other lands.


Make-up (2001 MOP)

Attendance at the meeting of another Rotary club or certain other functions as provided in article VIII of the standard Rotary club constitution, to protect membership and receive attendance credit when a meeting of the Rotarian’s own club is missed. When attendance is made up at another Rotary club, it is reported to the Rotarian’s home club on a “Visiting Rotarian Report Card” sent by the secretary of the club visited.

Manual of Procedure

Policies and procedures established by legislative action, the RI Board of Directors, and Trustees of the Foundation, issued every three years following each meeting of the Council on Legislation. The last edition reflects changes adopted by the 2001 council.

Membership (2001 MOP)

Attendance Report (Governor) – Governor’s summary of the monthly attendance reports received from the clubs in the district. The governor sends a copy of this summary report to the general secretary and must publish it in the Governor’s Monthly Letter.

Membership Development (2001 MOP)

To achieve membership growth and development, a continual, multistep process is encouraged which entails three core elements: the recruitment of new members, the retention of existing members, and the organization of new clubs (extension): recruitment + retention + new clubs = membership growth.

Membership Development and Retention Manual

Booklet that outlines basic procedures for building club membership; also offers hints on how to recruit and retain members, how to “sell” Rotary, and ideas for effective new member orientation and induction.

Membership Expansion

This committee continually reviews the club classifications roster and takes positive action to bring to the board of directors the names of suitable candidates to fill unfilled classifications. They are also charged with maintaining a positive attitude to membership development.

Membership Identification Card (2001 MOP)

A uniform pocket membership identification card, recommended by RI for use by all clubs. It carries a facsimile signature of the general secretary with blank spaces provided for inserting the name of the member to whom the card is issued, the name of the club, classification, date to which dues have been paid, the signature of the club secretary, and the signature of the member to whom the card is issued.

Membership Report Forms (2001 MOP)

Three forms which RI furnishes to club secretaries for their use in reporting to the general secretary new members, terminations of membership, and changes in addresses and classifications.

Memo of Club Visit (2001 MOP)

Printed form which an assistant governor and/or governor completes during club visits. The purpose of this memo is to aid assistant governors and governors in assessing the club’s progress towards goals and to determine ways to tailor support provided to a club. It also serves as an annual record of a club’s progress, which is used by the district and Rotary International for guidance in serving the clubs.

Menu of Service Opportunities (2001 MOP)

Issues and concerns identified by RI as recommended service priorities for clubs and districts for a specified period of time, including Children at Risk, Disabled Persons, Health Care, International Understanding and Goodwill, Literacy and Numeracy, Population Issues, Poverty and Hunger, Preserve Planet Earth, and Urban Concerns.

Mini Group Exchange

Similar to the Youth Exchange program, where students of secondary school age from two countries engage in an exchange during the summer months, where the students of one country spend three weeks living with the students of another country, and then the favor is reciprocated in the original country, with the original visitor as the host or hostess. Sponsored by sending and receiving rotary clubs or districts, the students are selected according to the guidelines and procedures suggested by the RI Board of directors.

Multiple PHF

A Paul Harris Fellow will receive, upon request, a new pin for each additional US$1,000 contributed beyond his/her original Paul Harris Fellow. And, he/she can name another individual as the recipient of Paul Harris Fellow Recognition.


New Generations

The fifth Avenue of Service, approved 30 April 2010 by the RI Council on Legislation

Non-Districted Club (2001 MOP)

Club which is under the direct supervision of the RI Board and which is not included in a district.


Object of Rotary (2001 MOP)

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise as set forth in the RI constitution, article IV and the standard Rotary club constitution, article IV.

Officers, Club (2001 MOP)

Duly elected officers of a club are the president, the president-elect, one or more vice-presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, and the sergeant-at-arms.

Officers, RI (2001 MOP)

The officers of RI are the president, president-elect, vice-president, treasurer, other directors, general secretary, governors; and the president, immediate past president, vice-president and honorary treasurer of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland.

Officers, RI, General (2001 MOP)

The general officers of RI are the president, president-elect, vice-president, treasurer, other directors, and the general secretary.

Official Directory

Includes names, addresses and phone numbers of RI officers, committees, and administrative personnel; worldwide listing of districts and governors; alphabetical listing within districts of clubs with names of presidents and secretaries, and meeting times and places; directory of hotels identified with Rotary clubs; and names of licensed suppliers of Rotary emblem and Interact and Rotaract emblem merchandise.


Past Service Member (Old)

A former active member of a club whose classification is lost through no fault of his or her own, or any person who has retired from active business or professional life but who otherwise qualifies for Rotary club membership under article V, section 3, of the RI constitution, whom the club has elected to past service membership. With the 2001 Council on Legislation, the classification system was simplified to where a maximum of ten percent of the members of a club can be of a single classification, and Additional Active Members, Past Service Members and Senior Active Members were discontinued.

Paul Harris Fellow (2001 MOP)

Individual who contributes or in whose honor or memory is contributed US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.

Paul Harris Sustaining Member [PHSM]

Individual who agrees to contributed $1000 (or in whose honor or memory the contribution is made) to The Rotary Foundation with a minimum first contribution of $100. When contributions reach $1000 the person is recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow. There is no time limit.

Per Capita Dues (2001 MOP)

The per capita dues which each club pays to RI semiannually on 1 July and 1 January for each and every active member of such club.

Perfect Attendance (2001 MOP)

Term used by many clubs to refer to a Rotarian’s 100 percent attendance record. However, no official definition of the term exists.

Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs (2001 MOP)

A goal-setting tool used by club presidents-elect in cooperation with club and district leaders to establish goals related to the four elements of an effective club, as well as general club administration. The guide also suggests common strategies which clubs can utilize in achieving their goals.

PolioPlus (2001 MOP)

The program of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation with a “priority of the highest order” to eradicate polio from the world.

Pre/Post-Convention Homestay (Old)

Program that offers an opportunity for visiting Rotarians to get an inside look at the country or countries close to the annual convention site for a few days immediately prior to or after the convention. Rotarians in the host area volunteer their homes. The Secretariat then matches the host with a prospective Rotarian guest (or Rotary family) from another country.

Presidents-elect Training Seminar [PETS] (2001 MOP)

A training meeting conducted annually, preferably in March, for club presidents-elect. Its main purpose is to develop club presidents who have the necessary skills, knowledge and motivation to create or maintain an effective club as defined by the RI Board.

Purposes of Rotary International (2001 MOP)

  1. a) To encourage, promote, extend, and supervise Rotary throughout the world; b) To coordinate and generally direct the activities of RI (RI Constitution, article III).


 Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator [RRFC] (2001 MOP)

A Rotarian who provides a link between the Foundation trustees and the districts regarding Foundation matters in an assigned region. RRFCs have two primary areas of responsibility – promotion of fundraising and promotion of programs.

Relinquishing/Releasing Territory (Old)

An act to relinquish or release a portion of the territory of a Rotary club to accommodate the organization of an additional (new) club with the RI Board’s approval. A club may similarly agree to share its territory with an additional club. When territory is shared, it must be the entire territory. With the 2001 Council on Legislation, clubs have no more territorial boundaries, and do not have to ask permission to locate in a specific location.

Representative (2001 MOP)

Rotarian (past officer unless otherwise approved by the president) elected to represent the clubs of a district at the council on legislation. Representatives are voting members of the council.

Resolution (2001 MOP)

Action by the council on legislation which does not amend or conflict with the constitutional documents of RI but which expresses an opinion or makes a recommendation to the RI Board. (See also Enactment.)

“Respect for the Workplace” (2001 MOP)

Slogan that is used in Rotary literature and elsewhere, particularly in reference to Vocational Service.

RI Emphases (Old)

Established by the RI Board to focus the attention of the entire organization, for a specific period not to exceed three years, on a particular area of service which demands increased involvement by Rotarians. There are no more than four emphases at any given time and no more than one new emphasis is designated within any given Rotary year.

Rotaract (2001 MOP)

Rotary club-sponsored clubs for young adults (ages 18-30) for the purpose of developing leaders and service-minded citizens.

Rotary (2001 MOP)

“Rotary” is used as expressive and indicative of the organized body of Rotary clubs and Rotarians, of the spirit which animates them, of the principles and practices and precedents which guide them, and of the purposes and object they seek to accomplish.

Rotary Basic Library (Old)

A major resource for all Rotarians and essential for club presidents as a companion publication to the Club President’s Work-book .An introductory volume focuses on the total story of Rotary – history, philosophy, operational procedures, overview of programs. Two additional volumes are devoted to the Four Avenues of Service and The Rotary Foundation. The library is published in nine languages. It is revised periodically to reflect changes enacted by the council and actions by the RI Board.

Rotary Emblem (2001 MOP)

Symbol of Rotary International, consisting of a gear wheel with six spokes, 24 cogs, and a keyway. Colored royal blue and gold, it is worn with pride by Rotarians as a lapel button.

Rotary Entity/Rotary Entities (2001 MOP)

Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation, a Rotary club or group of clubs, a Rotary district or group of districts (including a multidistrict activity), a Rotary Fellowship, RI convention host committees, and administrative territorial units of Rotary International.

Rotary Foundation of RI, The (2001 MOP)

A not-for-profit corporation that receives contributions and distributes funds in support of approved humanitarian and educational programs that are implemented through Rotary clubs and districts. Its mission is to support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Object of Rotary, Rotary’s Mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs.

Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member (2001 MOP)

An individual who makes a minimum initial gift of US$100 or more to the Annual Programs Fund of The Rotary Foundations and states in writing the intention to make a minimum gift of US$100 or more to the fund annually thereafter.

Rotary Information (2001 MOP)

1) The process of informing members on the Object, principles, and development of Rotary and its four Avenues of Service. 2) The process of developing in each Rotarian a sense of responsibility and under-standing expressed by personal dedication and service to Rotary ideals.

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland [RIBI] (2001 MOP)

The name of the association of Rotary clubs in Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.

Rotary International Office (2001 MOP)

An office of the Secretariat in a location other than World Headquarters. Each office serves the Rotary clubs and governors in its assigned area.

Rotary International Brazil Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in São Paulo, Brazil, which serves Rotary in Brazil.

Rotary International Europe and Africa Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in Zurich, Switzerland, which serves Rotary in Continental Europe, Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Rotary International Japan Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in Tokyo, Japan, which serves Rotary in Japan.

Rotary International Korea Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in Seoul, Korea, which serves Rotary in Korea.

Rotary International South Asia Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in Delhi, India, which serves Rotary in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in Parramatta, Australia, which serves Rotary in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and the Pacific Islands.

Rotary International Southern South America Office (2001 MOP)

Office of the Secretariat in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which serves Rotary in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Rotary International Theme (2001 MOP)

Annual Rotary message expressed through the president. The theme is of paramount importance to the implementation of service throughout each Rotary year.

Rotary Marks (2001 MOP)

RI’s intellectual property – trademarks and service marks owned throughout the world – including both word and design marks. For a more complete listing of RI’s intellectual property, see Chapter 19 of this Manual.

Rotary Wheel (2001 MOP)

see Rotary Emblem.

Rotary World (2001 MOP)

Newspaper published five times a year, in nine languages, for Rotary club, district, and international leaders. A universal source of information on all programs of RI and The Rotary Foundation, and on Rotary news of interest originating in the clubs and districts.

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards [RYLA]

An intensive training program for community youth leaders. Young people chosen for their leadership potential attend an all-expenses-paid seminar, camp, or workshop to discuss leadership skills and to learn those skills through practice. Every RYLA includes: Fundamentals of leadership; Ethics of positive leadership;Importance of communication skills in effective leadership; Problem-solving and conflict management; Rotary’s purpose and service to the community; Building self confidence and self-esteem; and Elements of community and global citizenship.

Rule of 85

A club member’s absence shall be excused if a member is an active member and the aggregate of the member’s years of age and year’s of membership in one or more clubs is 85 years or more and the member has notified the club secretary in writing of the member’s desire to be excused from attendance and the board has approved.


Secretariat (2001 MOP)

The entire operations of the general secretary and staff, including international offices, and all staff assigned to Rotary Foundation matters.

Semiannual Report (2001 MOP)

Report which each member club makes to RI on 1 July and 1 January of each year certifying to the RI Board the number of its members on such dates. The report is signed by the club president and the club secretary and is transmitted to the general secretary on forms provided by the Secretariat for that purpose, or it may be completed online by the club president or secretary. These reports are used as the basis on which the club makes payment to RI for per capita dues.

Senior Active Member (Old)

An active member, or a past service member, or any member with combined active and past service membership who automatically becomes senior active in one of the following ways:

1) having been an active and/or past service member of one or more Rotary clubs for at least 15 years;

2) being at least 60 years of age with ten or more years of active and/or past service membership;

3 being at least 65 with five or more years of active and/or past service member-ship; or

4) being a present or past officer of RI. The rights and responsibilities of a senior active member are virtually the same as an active member’s except that the senior active member does not hold a classification. With the 2001 Council on Legislation, the classification system was simplified to where a maximum of ten percent of the members of a club can be of a single classification, and Additional Active Members, Past Service Members and Senior Active Members were discontinued.

“Service Above Self” (2001 MOP)

Rotary’s official motto, which may be used in Rotary literature and elsewhere.

Service Center (Old)

An office of the Secretariat in a location other than World Headquarters. Each Service Center serves the Rotary clubs and governors in its assigned area (see separate entries for the following service centers:

Brazil; Europe/Africa; Japan; Korea; South Asia; Southeast Asia; Southern South America and Southwest Pacific).

Sharing Territory (Old)

see Relinquishing/Releasing Territory

Special Months in Rotary (2001 MOP)

Months designated by the RI Board to emphasize the involvement of every Rotarian, and not just clubs, in Rotary activities. They are: Literacy (July), Membership and Extension (August), New Generations (September), Vocational Service (October), The Rotary Foundation (November), Rotary Awareness (January), World Understanding (February), Magazine (April), Rotary Fellowships (June).

Special Representative (2001 MOP)

An individual, usually a Rotarian and preferably a member of the club sponsoring the organization of a new Rotary club, appointed by and representing the governor in all the details pertaining to the organization of the club.

Sponsor Club (2001 MOP)

Rotary club which has assumed responsibility for assisting in the organization of a new club and in guiding it in its early development as a member of RI. The sponsor club is usually the home club of the special representative who assisted the governor in the organization of the new club being sponsored.

Standard Rotary Club Constitution (2001 MOP)

The club constitution prescribed by the RI bylaws for adoption by all clubs admitted to membership in RI.

“Strategies for Member Education”

Guidelines for providing appropriate information about Rotary to prospective, new, and current members. Focuses on retention as a tool for effective club growth. Includes a tear-out checklist of resources and activities to help new members become fully active Rotarians.

Structured Programs (2001 MOP)

Organized activities recommended by the RI Board for clubs and districts that include a recommended framework and guidelines, including Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Community Corps, Rotary Fellowships, Rotary Friendship Exchange, Rotary Volunteers, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, World Community Service, and Youth Exchange.

Summary of Club Plans and Objectives

Summary that is given by the club to the governor or assistant governor prior to the time of the governor’s official visit to the club, to provide concise information to the governor and to the Secretariat, concerning the plans and objectives of the club for the current year.



The name of the official magazine of RI and an international magazine for business and professional people.

Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (2001 MOP)

The directors of The Rotary Foundation, who are appointed by the President of Rotary International with the concurrence of the RI Board. All business of the Foundation is managed by the trustees and must be in the furtherance of the purpose of the corporation as stated in the articles of incorporation.


 Visiting Rotarian Report Card (2001 MOP)

Card used by the secretary of a club to report the attendance of a visiting Rotarian to the secretary of the visitor’s home club in order that credit for attendance can be given.

Vocational Service (2001 MOP)

Rotary’s second Avenue of Service. Its purpose includes promoting high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognizing the worthiness of all useful occupations, and fostering the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. The role of the club includes developing projects that help members contribute their talents to meeting society’s needs. The role of Rotarians includes conducting themselves and their businesses in accordance with Rotary principles and responding to projects their clubs develop.

Voting Delegate’s Form (2001 MOP)

Form issued to voting delegate to the convention by the club secretary and approved at the convention by the credentials committee of RI. This form is evidence of the delegate’s right to vote or otherwise participate in the convention as a voting delegate.


 World Community Service [WCS] (2001 MOP)

An aspect of International Service that promotes development and goodwill on a global scale. Through WCS, Rotarians conduct projects to improve lives and meet human needs, and thus promote international understanding and goodwill by means of material, technical, and professional assistance. There are several paths that a club can take to become involved in WCS, including the WCS Projects Exchange, club-to-club interaction, and Disaster Relief.

World Headquarters (2001 MOP)

The World Headquarters of the Secretariat located at One Rotary Center, 1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60201-3698 USA. The World Headquarters provides membership services for clubs and districts in North America, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, northern South America, eastern Russia, and Antarctica.

World Understanding and Peace Day (2001 MOP)

The anniversary of Rotary’s birth, 23 February 1905, is also observed as World Understanding and Peace Day. Each club, on that day, gives special recognition and emphasis to Rotary’s commitment to international under-standing, friendship, and peace.


 Youth Exchange (2001 MOP)

An RI program for students of secondary school age to engage in study or travel abroad for one academic year or less for the purpose of advancing international understanding and goodwill. Sponsored by sending and receiving Rotary clubs or districts, the exchangees are selected according to guidelines and procedures suggested by the RI Board.


 Zone (2001 MOP)

Grouping of clubs, established by the RI bylaws and constituted by the RI Board, for the purpose of electing members of the nominating committee for president and for the nomination of directors. Zone alignments are also often the basis upon which institutes are organized.

Doug Rudman